Wednesday, December 20, 2006

December 15, 2006 --

What a day... got my Xmas present to myself - a Sorg studio easel to replace the contraption I made... see the pictures below. "What a day," because I got word from the trucking company that it was to be delivered this morning. However, this morning the entire street in front of my place was being closed for the funeral of a fireman who had passed away. The church is just down the street from my place. Fire trucks from all over the region were lining the street. I talked with the cop on duty at the nearest intersection up the street and told him I had a delivery coming... would the truck be able to turn down the street? The answer was an emphatic NO! Fortunately I was able to get in touch with the truck dispatcher to tell him that I would be waiting at the intersection with my trusty hand truck. I happen to have one left over from my days in the location sound biz, where I had to move lots of gear around. The truck finally arrived and transferred a huge 130 lb box to my hand truck. I walked and pulled the thing to my place, unpacked outside and carried the various pieces up to my little studio... Put it together, snapped some pictures, and then went and bought a pint of Jack Daniels for a personal little celebration this evening...

I made a YouTube video to demonstrate the smooth and easy up and down motion with the easel and a heavy large panel. Check it out

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